MoonLit’s A Shade Of Vampire
OFA TBD, Cardiac TBD, Eyes TBD, DNA TBD. (B/y) w.9/21
Sire MBISS Am GCHS BOSS Can CH Piccadilly's A Shade Darker WC | Sire BISS GCHB Piccadilly's Seek Shade | Sire CH Endeavor Piccadilly Gotta Wear Shades JH NA NAJ WC |
Dam Preton Anita At Windfall |
Dam Erinhill's Secret Rendezvous at Bayskor | Sire CH Fortune's Curious George |
Dam CH Victoria's Secret at Erinhill |
Dam BOSS CH MoonLit’s Vampire Academy | Sire CH Wiscoy’s Tony | Sire MBISS.AM/CAN CH Waifin’s Fly Cabot To Torngat |
Dam GRCH Mex, Latino American CH, International CH. MBISS CH. Alladan’s Gypsy Star |
Dam MoonLit’s The Vampire Chronicle | Sire MoonLit's King of Queens |
Dam MoonLit's Queen of the Night (CH Pointed) |