MoonLit’s Friends
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Sire BISS CH Wiscoy’s Tony | Sire MBISS.AM/CAN CH Waifin’s Fly Cabot To Torngat | Sire Dutch - German & VDH CH. Mallorn’s Aldebaran |
Dam BISS CH Waifin’s High Flying Adored |
Dam GRCH Mex, Latino American CH, International CH. MBISS CH. Alladan’s Gypsy Star | Sire CH Union Jack |
Dam CH. Callmeones of Misty Dreams |
Dam MoonLit’s What Are The Odds | Sire CH Hyspire Maritime Everything You Always Wanted | Sire GrCH Sure Shot Hyspire Impressive |
Dam CH Maritime Forecast Matilde |
Dam MoonLit’s What Are The Chances | Sire CH MoonLit’s King Of Queens |
Dam HiFLight’s MoonLit Serenade |